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 Violists and vioncellists! 

 Right here and online!  

 Apply for Krzyżowa-Music 2025! 

 Krzyżowa-Music application form 2025. 

From 23rd August until 8th September 2025, our 11th season will take place in Krzyżowa. A number of internationally established musicians will meet and work together with excellent young musicians of today’s and tomorrow’s classical music scene from Europe and beyond.

We look forward to receiving applications from musicians up to the age of 30. The requirements for Krzyżowa-Music Juniors should be fulfilled. For the upcoming season, we have openings for clarinet only. 

 About you 

Upload your portrait picture

 The instrument you apply for: 

Unfortunately we have no vacancies for other instruments this year.

 Your residence address: 

 Required references for your application: 

To complete your application, we require the following documents from you: Your CV (long version), a recommendation letter from your current or former teacher, the contact of a renowned musician we can contact for a reference letter as well as two of your recordings of at least two substantial contrasting works – one work shall be from the classical period, each with at least two movements each.

 Your motivation letter 

(please tell us your motivation to join Krzyżowa-Music in 300-500 characters)

 Your Biography 

(please submit as pdf or as Word-file)

Select file to upload
 Two Reference Persons 

(please include the *names and contact information – ideally their email addresses – of two renowned musician who we can ask to write a reference letter for you)

 (Video or Sound files)

(Permanent link to the recording on Youtube, on Vimeo, Dropbox, etc. ...). Ideally your recordings of at least two substantial contrasting works – one work shall be from the classical period, each with at least two movements each.

I hereby submit my application and agree to the registration of my data by Krżyzowa-Music
(please see privacy policy here).
Krżyzowa-Music is not entitled to reproduce, sell or otherwise disclose these data to third parties.

Approval of the Krżyzowa-Music Terms and Conditions

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